Wednesday, May 7, 2008

final poster

finally, enjoy it
ps: then i open it into photoshop and make itg into jpeg.

part 7

then we must add some soft blue color to the north pole because it can make it more real.

part 6

make a new layer to create the fire in the stick. trace it and stroke it then color it.

part 5

give color to the stick and give that words with 'orlando' fonts.

part 4

make tracing again to make different colors and finally make a red circle into it.

part 3

give yellow colors to the sun monster.

part 2

trace the earth and north pole then give it colors

part 1

first, open in illustrator and trace it.

sketch for poster

this is my sketch for global warming poster. it illustrate sun monster try to destroyed north pole.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


last step

make a group of number around it

(ps: see the real calender):)

step 4

make a box and give white color to it

step 3

1. give dark blue color to the duck faces

2.give yellow to the mouth

step 2

1.make a view of a door and give it brown color
2.complete the hand and clothes and give color to it like this picture

step 1

1.trace all of the picture
2.give red color to the hat and the clothes brown to the prize's box.
3.create flare by using flame option
4.use brush to make the "december"background and then type DECEMBER.

calender sketch

this is my calender sketch

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

step 7

last step

edit it correctly, move the ball little a bit down, then erase the sketch. then done.

step 6

6th step

trace the sea, give it blue color and put it inside the circle then sen it forward

step 5

5th step

make a new circle, fil it with soft blue color then paste it inside the other circle and press send it to back

step 4

4th step

make double circles and combine it. then fill it with black color

step 3

3th step

make 2 ball and crop it until it make like basketball, then give color on it. after that give number 11 in the white side

step 2

2nd step

trace the whale and give some color on it

step 2

step 1

1st step

open illustrator and open the sketch
then rotate like the picture


My Personal Logo

1st things in my logo is a whale. Actually, its not an ordinary whale. I took it from the whale in Free Willy film because the killer whale Willy can describe me so much. It wise and patient but also killer when others make mess with it. I am an ordinary person but sometimes I cant control myself when I am angry. 2nd things is the background. I used blue background because I like blue. Blue is my favourite colour since my childhood. Blue also describe calm inside me. 3th things is the ball and the number in it. U can see that the ball is Basketball. Basketball is my hobby and of course my favourite sport ever after. Then number 11 is my favourite jersey. Before, the jersey used by Kaede Rukawa, an ace player from Shohoku High in Slam Dunk animation. 4th things is the way the whale jump. I like the way it jump because I think it describes freedom. I like freedom more than everythings.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


i create this blog for my assignment 1. enjoy...